Monday, December 17, 2007

Last night the Ultimate Pasaway ( Ethel Booba) took her task to discover the true Riza up another notch when she started courting Will openly in front of the Desirable Diva ( Riza). During a midnight snack last night, Kuya suddenly played the song “I Finally Found Someone” and the words ‘This is it!’ pushed Ethel to bring out her Christmas present for Will. She gave him a dog tag necklace similar to the one she is wearing. “This is Janvier’s before!” Will joked. Ethel tried to kiss Will but the True Lover emphasized that ‘This is not it!’Ethel felt Will’s hesitation to “make patol” was due to the fact that Riza was standing in the corner quietly drinking her coffee. She told Riza to go to sleep and everyone laughed at Ethel’s crazy antics.

However, this was not the end of Ethel’s “pangungulit” when Will suddenly found her lying on his bed. Will felt very helpless and he stomped over to the girls’s bedroom to ask Mariel to ‘get her friend.’ Mariel though placed the bunch of roses from the Oblation Run in Ethel’s hands to make the atmosphere more romantic. The other housemates were laughing so hard, there were tears in their eyes. Riza, then made an appearance in the boys’s bedroom, pretending to carry Ethel off as a drastic measure.

With Ethel’s provoking, will Riza really come out of her shell this time? Also where will Ethel’s courting of the True Lover lead to? This triangle is yet to be solved, so stick around for you surely don’t want to miss the answer to this equation!


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